A Jesus Film Harvest Partners team from the Church of the Nazarene in Washington, USA, visited the Guatemala North Peten District with the goal of joining in district community ministries and planting a new mission in the El Esfuerzo II neighborhood in the city of La Libertad.

July 11-17, the following ministries united to hold the event: NYI, NMI, NCM, SDMI and Evangelism. They worked in the missional zone under the responsibility of church planter Martin Chen. There they held evangelistic activities for children, youth and adults. They did presentations with puppets and clowns, held a Project Gol soccer camp, and a children’s party. They also shared the Jesus Film over the course of three nights where 49 people gave their lives to the Lord.

“We see how the people are thirsty for the gospel and need hope and comfort in the midst of their material shortages. It was a great blessing,” said Rev. Roger Lemus, North Central Area Evangelism Coordinator.

The team also worked in the construction of a new school that will serve the community.

Sunday, July 15, in a different sector of the El Esfuerzo neighborhood, District Superintendent Rev. Francisco Quej had the privilege of organizing the Noah’s Ark Church of the Nazarene with 37 founding members. The Jesus Film team and Regional Evangelism Coordinator Dr. Bernie Slingerland attended the celebration.

The pastor of the new church, Guadalupe Francisca de Chen, shared the following testimony. “In this zone, the communities experience violent storms with winds up to 70 km / hour. In one of those storms, there were many houses, most of them made of aluminum sheets and wood, whose roofs were blown off, causing material loss. Nevertheless, this mission, which only had one structure made of synthetic fabric and some tubes, was not blown away by the storm. It remained solid.” The experience of the church was greatly admired by the community.

Source: Rev. Roger Lemus, North Central Area Evangelism Coordinator