The CCO in Antigua was held on November 4 to 6, 2016, with 44 participants from the Caribbean field. The group work was enjoyable, insightful, creative, relevant and even entertaining. There was also a healthy sense of competition among groups that generated further enthusiasm and excitement. The facilitators were Scott Armstrong, Dario Richards, Donnamie Ali, Christopher Weekes and Paul Bunsee, who easily brought great passion and life to the training.

Here is a brief testimony of Rev. Paul Bunsee:

Moments after listening to Christopher’s note on how God granted favor in allowing use of the venue as it is usually difficult to access, my eyes focused on the entrance door. The sign written on the door positioned opposite to our room read “KEYMASTER” with a picture of a key a few inches below. The note on the door of our room stated “CLOSED AREA escort, sign-in required if not on access list”. At that moment God spoke and said, “I am THE KEY that has given you all access here and I will continue to open doors of favor that will allow for Kingdom building.” He said, “I will hold you all accountable for the same.” Within weeks we have seen God work through 3 Maximum Missions altogether in Trinidad & Antigua and more soon on the way! He CONTINUES to open doors of FAVOR!

Information provided by: Freya Galindo, Mesoamerica Global Mission