On March 6th, 2017, the El Salvador East District assembly was held with the presence of the ecclesiastical leaders: Dr. Jerry Porter, General Superintendent in Jurisdiction (GSJ), Dr. Carlos Sáenz, Regional Director and Rev. Leonel De León, Mesoamerica North-Central Field Strategy Coordinator.

Followed by a powerful message of the Word of God, through Dr. Jerry Porter, who emphasized that all local church leadership and pastors should work for the multiplication of the church and make disciples. Pastors and District Superintendent, Rev. Víctor Alfaro, joyfully accepted the challenge and all together committed themselves to plant 25 new churches as part of the 2020 Vision.

Thank God for this time of joy and faith in the assemblies of our Mesoamerican Region! Remember to lift this time of assemblies and prayer to the Lord.

Source: Rev. Ulises Solis, Rector of the Guatemala NTS