Missionaries Irene and Miguel Garita from the Family Care Ministry of the Mesoamerican Region visited El Salvador from September 9th to 16th to work with families, women and men in the central district of the country as well as with leaders from the central and eastern districts.

Some 150 women from the Daughters of the King ministry heard Mrs. Irene Garita speak on the theme: “Women living in a society without values”. They also heard about the value of their lives. “The women left joyful and in good spirits, expressing how God had ministered to them,” said Mrs. Delia Ayala, director of the Daughters of the King ministry in the central district.

The men also had a special time with Mr. Miguel Garita who spoke with them about topics relating to the male’s role in society. Regarding this session, Mrs. Delia said: “Many men were broken and have been able to receive guidance on how to become priests in their home.”

Additionally, the Garita brothers met with the central district superintendent, Reverend Julian Cruz and the eastern district superintendent, Reverend Ulises Solis, and other area leaders to discuss leadership challenges.

The leaders of Madre Tierra Church of the Nazarene, including Sunday School teachers, SDMI, NMI, and NYI presidents, and the local board also had some time with the couple to talk about leadership challenges and how to work together as a team.

These sessions ended on September 15 and several churches in the district came together for a family service based on the theme “The Threats facing today’s family.”

“We send a greeting with many thanks to the Garita family, we are praying that God will continue to bless us in the future with His knowledge and His willingness.” Mrs. Delia concluded.

Source: Delia Ayala, director of the Daughters of the King ministry, central district of El Salvador.