Following a historical Board of Trustees meeting at the Séminaire Théologique Nazaréen D’Haiti (STNH), where a new constitution was approved, and where the DSs dreamed with seeing theological education in Haiti connected through technology, the first videoconferencing system was delivered.  The camera was a donation from the Escondido First Church of the Nazarene in Escondido, California.  Former missionary in Haiti, Dr. Terry Read presented the gift to Dr. Lucien Jean Baptiste, president of the seminary.

Using the software called Vidyo® the Dean of the Faculty Rev. Jean Robert Maitre, had the first experience in videoconferencing during 2013. He shared a course from Haiti with students in French Guyana and it was a blessing. Now, this new system will allow that professors from other French-speaking countries and territories can teach in a face to face experience to Haiti without leaving their homes.

Dr. Ruben Fernandez, Regional Education Coordinator for Mesoamerica said:  We celebrate this new step forward for the vibrant and growing Church of the Nazarene in Haiti and the STNH. The next French Antilles receiving videoconferencing system will be Martinique and Guadeloupe, in January, 2015, and we hope that more faculty resources can be exchanged ir order to continue preparing with the highest excellence the larger possible number of pastors and leaders for the extension of the Kingdom of God.

By: Theological Education Mesoamerica