On November 26th 2016, the graduation of students from the Tampico extension of the Mexican Seminary (SENAMEX) in the Northeast District of Mexico, was held.

Seven students graduated from the School of Leadership, a student with a Bachelor of Theology and a diploma was awarded to 3 students for completing the 30 courses leading to ordination (ETASEN 1). This part was chaired by Dr. Ángel Rodríguez Gómez, coordinator of this extension.

In addition, 2 persons obtained a Master’s Degree in Family Guidance (MOF) by SENDAS. Dr. Rubén Fernández, Regional Theological Education Coordinator, presided over this presentation, and the honorable mentions as well.

In addition, recognition was given to those who have contributed to the development of theological education and in general to the ministry, including: Dr. Rubén Fernández; Rev. David Díaz Castañeda, District Superintendent and Obdulia Martínez Villanueva, as well as Arturo and Esther Bernal.

Diploma in the School of Leadership: Gómez Greece, Bibiana Hernandez, Elizabeth Jimenez, Aracely Leal, Gustavo Ramos, Carlos Ruiz and Guadalupe Sandoval.

ETASEN 1: Catalan Rebeca, and Carmen Ramirez Trejo Virginia.

Licensed in Theology: Angel Rodriguez.

Master of Family Guidance: Angel Rodriguez and Patricia Rubio.

Source: Ángel Rodríguez Gómez, SENAMEX Tampico extension coordinator, Mexico.