The Northwest Oaxaca district of Mexico celebrated the International Pastors and Leaders Conference “Expand your Territory”. This took place January 23-25 at the Church of the Nazarene Centro de Alabanza y Proclamación, (Praise and Proclamation Center, CAP in Spanish), with 1,120 pastors and leaders participating and representing over 250 Nazarene churches in Guatemala, Costa Rica, USA, and México.

The goal of the conference was to share principles to help the church to grow intentionally and to be inspired by the Lord.

Guest speakers included: Chris Richards, pastor of Vino Nuevo (New Wine) Church in El Paso, Texas, and founder of the Man to Man Ministry; Adalberto Herrera, pastor of the Casa de Oración (House of Prayer) Church of the Nazarene in Cali, Colombia; Elías Betanzos, CAP pastor; and Rev. Rubén Fernández, rector of the Seminario Nazareno de las Américas.

During the sessions, participants were encouraged and challenged to seek God intentionally and to have pure intentions in regards to their ministries. Furthermore, principles of leadership from John Wesley were shared which, according to Rev. Ruben Fernandez, are still valid today for having a full and vibrant church.

Participants heard testimonies of pastors who lead churches of more than 500 members. They shared how the growth principles of the Iniciativa Bernabé (Barnabas Initiatives) have helped them obtain spiritual and numerical growth in their congregations.

On the evening of Friday the 24th there was a night of prayer and healing. “Pastor Adalberto Herrera was used by God. It was a time of power, miracles, and healing,“ said Pastor Barrera.

The worship team from CAP, singer Beto Quintero, and Banda Visión 28:19 from the Etla Church of the Nazarene led the times of worship.

“The experience of sharing, listening, and seeing the Lord’s miracles with my brothers and sister of Oaxaca has left me with a clear teaching and a great challenge for my life and ministry. God does not have favorites, but his power moves in hearts willing to serve, take risks, and surrender, hearts with a passion for carrying the message of salvation. Men and women who aren’t afraid of change and are open to what God wants to do supernaturally in people’s lives. What I haven’t seen yet doesn’t matter because God works through the supernatural. We serve the only God who pays what’s beyond price, heals the incurable, and does the impossible,” said Sirlene Bustos, superintendent of the Costa Rica Central district, who attended the event.

Source: Pastor Josué Barrera, Mexico Northwest Oaxaca District Communications.