When we read the story of Philip and the Ethiopian in the Bible, in the book of Acts chapter 8: 26-40, three things can happen, first, we don’t believe what this scripture accounts, second, our heart pulse ardently or third, and probably the most common unless you have to prepare a sermon or do homework based on that passage, we show indifference. The truth is that after reading this passage, many times, this third option is what happens, but now God has spoken again to my life.

When Genesis arrived in San Pedro Sula, we met a very special family made up of a couple of elderly people and 3 children with disabilities. When we arrived, they were being discipled. (I must say that in my experience, as a Christian I had never had the opportunity to disciple people with disabilities or the elderly, so this was new experience to me). For over two months, I accompanied our colleague, Helen, who patiently taught this discipleship so they could understand the message.

We met Doña Juanita, Don Pastor, Yoya and Giovanni. In addition, we prayed for Crescencio, who was unable to walk; after prayers and other visits we witnessed his improvement. During this time, God showed us His grace through this family when we heard Mrs. Juanita’s testimony that she used to be very moody “grumpy” and how God had changed her. We listen to Don Pastor say he was trying to learn what was being taught. This was something that encouraged our hearts every Thursday and made us understand that only the Spirit of God can transform lives, no matter how impossible it seems.

Like the Ethiopian, they needed someone to explain God’s Word, patiently and in a loving way; and as the Ethiopian they have a desire in their hearts to know more about Jesus. Finally when the Ethiopian said to Philip, “Here is water, what hinders me from being baptized?”, we were prompted to invite the family to make that leap of faith, they felt limited because their physical condition, they couldn’t go to the river or the beach to be baptized,. When they heard that they could be baptized at home by the sprinkling   of water, they rejoiced. Finally the day came, August 9th was a holiday for the family, and not only for them but for all the neighbors who came to witness this act of faith of an entire family.

The Word of God says in Acts 8:39 that when the Ethiopian was baptized, he went on his way rejoicing. In the same way the Espinal Bautista family continues to happily learn from God and as before, every Thursday they are ready and willing to open their doors to hear the word of God. A genesis has reached the Espinal Bautista family and San Pedro Sula and in my own life and no doubt in the lives of Merit and Helen too… Has a genesis initiated inside you?

By: Eunice Leal Zaragoza, Regional GENESIS project volunteer missionary

Editing: Mesoamerica Communications