NMI Training was recently held in both districts of Belize. The facilitators were Ana Crocker de Díaz, Mesoamerica Regional NMI Coordinator and Donnamie Ali, Caribbean Field NMI Coordinator. Thanks to the organization of Rev. Alberto Cal, District Superintendent of Belize South, Bay Rivas, District NMI President of Belize North and the support of Rev. Keith Joseph, District Superintendent of Belize North.  for the success of these two training sessions.

While in the South, the facilitators participated in a grand Thanksgiving service where several churches came together to give thanks and present their offerings of produce before the altar. Babies were dedicated and a typical Mayan meal was shared after the service.

There was also a visit to the ‘Hedges’ a compassionate ministries’ outreach of the Belmopan COTN in Belize North, which seeks to rehabilitate ex-prisoners and drug addicts.

In the words of Regional NMI Coordinator, Ana Crocker de Diaz- “I thank God for allowing me to visit these two districts in Belize for the first time to see the response of both District Superintendents and the NMI leadership. We clarified doubts and encouraged them to continue supporting the missionary work of the denomination with their contributions to the WEF.”

Source: pastor Augustus Andrews