In the Church of the Nazarene, we believe that making disciples in the image of Christ in the nations is the foundation of the mission of the Church and the primary responsibility of the leadership (Ephesians 4:7-16). The work of discipleship is continuous and dynamic, that is to say, the disciple is never to cease growing more like the Lord. This process of growth, when it is healthy, occurs in all dimensions: as individuals (spiritual growth), in the corporate dimension (becoming part of the congregation), as well as in holiness of life (progressively becoming more like Jesus Christ), as well as in a life invested in service to God and others.

The ABCDE Discipleship Plan has been designed to contribute to the comprehensive formation of members of the churches of the Nazarene in the Mesoamerica Region. We have published materials to cover all discipleship levels. The three books in the Filled With the Spirit series correspond to the basic series for Level C, and have been designed for those who have gone through previous levels of discipleship with New Life in Christ materials and Keys to Abundant Christian Living (Level B1 and B2), and have been incorporated into church membership.

The books of the series Filled With the Spirit are intended to guide the new member of the church to become like Jesus Christ. As each person advances in the study of these materials, he or she will be discovering those areas of their lives that Jesus Christ wants to transform, so that the Holy Spirit of love can fill their whole being. The Spirit-filled life is the indispensable prerequisite to enable every son or daughter of God to realize the special plan that God has for his/her life.

This book, The Mind Refocused on Christ, is book two of the three book series. Book one is The Spirit-Filled Life, and book 3 is The Fruit-Filled Life. The Spirit-Filled Life is also available for download from this site. The Fruit-Filled Life is still not yet available.

Lessons of The Spirit Filled Life

Lesson 1 - The Fruit of the Self-Centered Mind
Lesson 2 - Jealousy and Envy
Lesson 3 - Who Will You Trust to Control Your Future?
Lesson 4 - Are We gods? The New Age Deception
Lesson 5 - Selfish Ambition
Lesson 6 - Don’t Let Your Feelings Manipulate You
Lesson 7 - The Polluting Effects of the Lack of Forgiveness
Lesson 8 - Restitution: Repentance in Action
Lesson 9 - Addictions: Invisible Chains
Lesson 10 - Overcoming Impure Thoughts
Lesson 11 - The Truth as a Standard of Life
Lesson 12 - Let’s Use Language to Bless
Lesson 13 - Measure Your Progress and Follow the Goal

This book can be downloaded for free from this site, or purchased from the Regional Discipleship Ministries Office.

The Mind Refocused on Christ.pdfDownload