
On Sunday February 2nd 2014, the 47th District Assembly was held in Panama City, Panama. The event was held at the premises of the Ancon Church of the Nazarene, which is pastored by Pastor Melinda Harrison Dottin.

We had the participation of pastors and delegates of the district. It really was a time of great blessing in which together we praised the Lord Jesus. We talked about   matters relating to the operation of our church and reports were presented in an atmosphere of joy and love and the brothers dwelling together and harmony.

Such meetings were made by the Regional Director Dr. Carlos Saenz and counted with the presence of Dr. Crocker who is our General Superintendent in Jurisdiction. Also was conducted the ordination of Pastor Lewis of the Church of Juan Diaz.

The message of the  Word carried by Dr. Crocker was really a blessing and challenge to our church in Panama.