From August 1st to 3rd, the Puerto Rico West District NYI held its 2014 summer camp. An average of 90 young people enjoyed a time of fellowship, training, and time for reflection.The President and Regional NYI Coordinator, Rev. Milton Gay, inspired and encouraged them to renew their lives in Christ Jesus. He also shared the Word of God and conducted leadership workshops.

They all enjoyed beautiful times of corporate worship led by Alfred Barreto and Oriann Cintron, director of the District NYI Worship Ministry.

Due to the passing of Tropical Storm Bertha over the district, the President of the West District NYI, Ricardo Gonzales said: “Thank the Lord the storm did not significantly affect the program.The youth showed willingness to ardent worship amidst rain and winds as the Master taught us.We thank the NYI Council for lovingly working for the Lord and his Church.It’s a blessing to work with them and with our brother Milton for his willingness to share with us this beautiful time.”

Information provided by: Pastor Ricardo González, Puerto Rico West District NYI President.