Several ministries of the Panama Central District, including Evangelism, NYI, Global Missions, along with a team from the East Valley Church of the Nazarene, Arizona, USA, joined to hold an evangelistic event March 15-17.

On Friday, the participants headed to the Ciricito de Capira community on the west side of Panama, where there is a newly organized Church of the Nazarene. The team helped with some construction and also held evangelistic activities for the children, soccer games and a showing of an evangelistic film.  The also prayed for Pastors Navarro who are pastoring the church.

On Saturday the team went to the mission type church in the El Tecal community and held evangelistic activities.

On Sunday, everyone went to a different mission type church, this time in the Mañanitas de Tocumen community.  They held evangelistic activities and prayed for Pastors Lewis, who are pastoring the mission.

Later in the day on Sunday, all of the participants attended the first worship service at ¨The Liberators¨ Genesis site. They praised the Lord together and Pastor Scott Thornton from the East Valley team shared the message from the Word of God.

A total of 85 children heard the message of the gospel in the three different sites.

¨We thank God for the 48 participants from Panama and the 18 brothers and sisters from the East Valley, Arizona team. Thanks also to their leaders, Pastor Scott and Linett Thornton, and Katie, a volunteer from Virginia, USA, for their work.  Thank you for always being willing to serve the Lord.  In these three days everyone was part of the Mission of the Lord,¨ said Joél Bermudez, Panama Central District NYI President.

Source: Joél Bermudez, Panama Central District NYI President and Panama Communications